
. France
Trad. du français par Wendy Allatson
Édition en langue anglaise
Collection Aller & Retour
Gallimard Loisirs
Things you need to know to enjoy Paris. Getting there, getting around and getting by.
Where to stay : the best hotels in all areas and categories : over 70 great places to spend the night.
Where to eat : the insider's choice of restaurants for all budgets and tastes.
After dark : the haunts of Paris's nightbirds : bars, clubs and cabaret, opera, jazz and ballet.
What to see : the top sights within the city - monuments, churches and museums.
Further afield : spending time outside the city - historic chateaux and palaces, parks and gardens.
Where to shop : what to buy and where - the best addresses to spend your time and money.
Maps : and no need to get lost with these easy-to-follow maps of Paris, and the index of streets.
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